Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Relieving Symptoms of Hep C with Denver Medical Marijuana

Relieving Symptoms of Hep C with Denver Medical Marijuana-

For high quality, affordable, naturally/organically soil grown, medical marijuana I have not found a more consistent supply than what my caregivers at The Kind Room offer.

Their product is 100% consistent.
Their staff are always 100% consistent.

I am not employed by The Kind Room, I do not know them personally or in any capacity before finding them on Google.
I do not get paid or get any give me's or hook ups for sharing the information that The Kind Room is a trusted, reputable Denver caregiver.

The reason I am posting this and the reason for this blog is to warn others about how difficult the treatment for hepatitis C is.
And that the best way to help yourself through Hep C treatment is to get nutrition to your organs, body and mind. By eating. It's hard to eat without some appetitie stimulant.

After visiting many, many different Denver area dispenseries I have had many quality experiences.
I also have had many experiences that leave a lot to be desired- shorted a 1/2 gram, stoned out employees that cant even hold a conversation let alone listen long enough to help you find the medicine you need to stimulate appetite, relieve pain, elevate mood or any number of other symptoms that benefit from the consumption of Medical Marijuana Products.

At The Kind Room I know I can trust that I am getting what I pay for- safe high quality medicine.
The Kind Room= Consistent, down to earth people, consistent medicine, consistent pricing.

For more information about marijuana, the different strains and the good use these medicines offer
Visit The Kind Room-
1881 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80210
Office Hours: M-F 11 am - 7:00 pm
Sat & Sun 12 pm - 3 pm

Now go medicate and get yourself some nutrition so................
YOU CAN BEAT HEPATITIS C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hepatitis-C Medical Insurance & Financial Assistance For Treatment

Are you or a loved one suffering from Hep C?
There is financial assistance to get the help you need!

Health insurance for people with Hepatitis C as a pre-existing condition.

Go here- http://www.rmhp.org/

Financial assistance for the drugs used to treat Hepatitis C. Go here- https://www.panfoundation.org/

    The pre-treatment costs- including a liver biopsy are not free.
    The cost of the drugs for the treatment are very expensive. Very expensive.

    You will probably need insurance coverage to afford this treatment and financial assistance with your treatment cost. Because even with the insurance it is very expensive.

    The drugs used to treat Hep C - Pegasys, Ribovirin and Incivek are
    very expensive.

    The drugs used to treat Hep-C are also very brutal on a persons mind and body.
    There is a drug I have used to assist with the side effects of Hep C treatment. It is marijuana.Unfortunately my insurance does not cover the cost of this medication. It is marijuana.
    And everyone knows it increases appetite- the biggest culprit in greatly aggravating the symptoms and side effects of Hep C is malnutrition.   

    MMJ is a miracle drug and it has no negative side effects from what I have found.

    You can find it at a Denver MMJ Clinic, it is Marijuana/THC and it will help you get through Hepatitis C treatment.

    If you suffer from Hep C, the treatment for Hep C or any after effects consider medical marijuana to fight malnutrition, ease physical pains, relax your mind, help you sleep, help you get stuff done, help you EAT!

    My care giver is the The Kind Room clinic on Broadway.

    When you are on Hep C treatment it's not shits and giggles.

    Talking to compassionate caregivers providing naturally grown, hand tended marijuana increases shitting and giggling by allowing you to eat.

    The Kind Room - High quality Denver medical marijuana...

    Monday, June 25, 2012

    How to Eat When You're on Hepatitis C Treatment

    You will lose weight, waste away and be malnutritioned when taking Hep C treatment...

    The side effects experienced when taking Interferon/Pesgasys, CO-Pegasys (Ribavirin) and Incivek (the new drug for treating Hep C) are absolutely brutal. And they are numerous.

    Suffering with painful, life changing side effects, 24 hours a day, is to be expected with Hep C treatment.

    The side effects of combination treatment therapy will include malnutrition and dehydration- which will aggravate all of the other side effects of the treatment…

    Unless you…
    Eat. But...how?!!!?!!!

    It's 2am. severe nausea and pain from Hep C combination treatment drugs have awakened you again…

    After a couple horrible- I mean horrible- waves of nausea have passed…
    insomnia takes over and the other side effects caused by the combination treatment therapy drugs continue punishing you- severe heart burn, liver pain, joint pain, fever, chills, aching/hurting muscles, diarrhea that burns the hell out of your ass, your mouth is torn up with sores/blisters, your shins/elbows/knees are raw and bloody, you are feeling severely depressed, you are weak, you are suffering from feelings of worthlessness, you are malnutritioned, you have a chemical imabalance…all side effects of combination treatment therapy for Hep C... and all aggravated by the fact that you can’t…


    And you need to take a dose of Incivek….maybe your pm…or am dose of Ribo too. Which means...

    Which means you have to consume 20 grams of fat- like you do everytime with your Incivek…everytime. Which means you need to…


    You can't even open your Incivek because of the way they packaged it...

    you need a survival knife to open it...or just your normal everyday, before treatment fingers...

    now you are crying…
    Literally bawling...your mind starts trying to deteriorate your presence further by insisting you are weak...

    why are you crying like this? What are you a whimp? Come on guy! It’s not that bad…and then you start crying uncontrollably…

    What I have been describing in this post is a very literal example of what a typical night can be like when you are being treated for Hep C.

    You deserve relief from your pain!
    You need to enhance your mood!
    You need relief from anemia!
    You need to be able to drink fluids to hydrate and flush your body!
    You need vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, sugars and fats!
    You need to relax…
    You need relief from the pain and suffering Hep C symptoms cause?
    You need relief from the brutal side effects the treatment for Hep C causes?You need to…


    Medical Marijuana- an all natural drug that treats all of the side effects described in this post.

    Medical Marijuana treats the side effects of combination treatment therapy and the symptoms of  the disease Hepatitis C-
    Buy only all natural, medicinal marijuana from a licensed Denver clinic.

    Hand tended, high grade Denver medicinal marijuana- Kind Room Clinic

    Good for me...
    Good for my Hep C...
    Good for the success of my Hep C treatment...

    The medical marijuana at The Kind Room is always medicinal grade.
    Comprised of professional, experienced marijuana experts this is a Denver Medical Marijuana Clinic focused on healthcare, on patient needs. Which is super kind bud.
    Demand the best for your treatment. For your health.

    The Kind Room  has the highest quality medical marijuana available anywhere in the world.
    If you want high quality medicine that is always plentiful and is always consistent in it’s quality, if you want good information about high grade medicinal marijuana and which strains, brands and products will help you with your Hep C treatment  please…
    Visit, call, email, browse The Kind Room for high quality medicinal marijuana that is healthcare focused-

    1881 S. Broadway
    Denver, Colorado 80210

    Phone: 720-266-3136
    Email The Kind Room- info@thekindroom.org
    Website- http://thekindroom.org/

    There are a number of ways to utilize the medicinal properties of marijuana-
    edibles, oils, lotions, tinctures, water pipes, medicinal hash, candies.
    Ask your clinic about which options are best for your needs.

    See high grade medicinal marijuana products.
    You know what you need to do!
    You need to make sure your body has proper nutrition. Diet is always very important. Espescially when fighting disease and powerful chemicals like those found in combination treatment therapy for Hep-C.

    You need to …

    Medical Marijuana can relieve you or your loved one of the pain associated with Hep C treatment.

    Saturday, June 23, 2012

    Patient Side Effects of Hepatitis C Treatment Relieved

    Relieving the symptoms of Hep C and the side effects of the drugs used to treat the disease-

    Yesterday- about 12 hours ago to be exact, my wife gave me my shot of peg-interferon/Pegasys, a drug in a combination of very powerful drugs used to treat Hepatitis C.

    Peg-Interferon/Pegasys is cloned human genes...seriously.
    Interferon/Pegasys - comes to you,
    monthly by mail, in a cooler like this.
    With ice packs. You have to keep
    your Interferon/Pegasy's refrigerated
    (cold, NOT frozen)
    Anyway those needles are from Target b/c the
    prescription drug company that mails these
    drugs forgot to send my needles
    in this order. Costco and Target pharmacys
    both virtually gave us these syringes when
    they knew I needed them.
    I've been shooting myself up, every week, with cloned human stuff for almost 6 months now. Actually my wife has been. I'd cheat if it were left to me- like yesterday I thought about throwing it in the trash and telling her I took it...

    Yeah the side effects that patients and their families endure from the drugs used to treat Hep C are that bad. But as painful as it is I am very grateful that I have had access to these drugs. I could be dieing right now instead of living.

    I am equally grateful for Denver Medical Marijuana. When I say Denver Medical Marijuana I mean the compassionate providers, Doctors, lawyers, activists, patients, money, research, struggle, people that have made high quality medical marijuana available to people, that are suffering, like me.

    High Quality Medical Marijuana
    This is a powerbomb Sativa
    shown: ChemDog x Diesel
    Because without the medicinal, healing properties of THC and the people that work in the industry to make it available to patients, to people- I would not make it through this treatment.
    That's a fact. Ask my wife- Ms. Texas, Conservative, Christian college herself. Yes she is all of those things...and a supporter of Medical Marijuana.

    But anyway this post is about one of the specific medicines used to help manage the physical pain, emotional challenges, treatment and other symptoms of the disease Hep C.

    It is medical marijuana and the strain I want to tell you about is Ortega-

    This is a very aromatic medicine. Those properties alone start to heal me.

    To me the smell has a sort of earthy, birthday cakey feel.
    It's a hearty, fill you up, lightly smell.
    It is not easy to describe. But I keep going back to exchange breathe with it again and again. It doesnt smell like Blackberry at all. But it does have that unique ability to make you want to smell it.
    It feels healthy to just breathe in it's aroma.
    It's one of those smells from a distant place or time- like when you were young or maybe from a dream...cant quite put your finger on it...

    Very inviting. So I got out Mjollnir- or meow meow, the name of my current favorite delivery device and medicated myself...the taste matches the smell...it is smooth and yummy like birthday cake cotton candy...but not sweet.

    This plant heals.

    30 minutes after waking up with the following painful side effects of Hep C treatment...

    feeling down and tired- but unable to sleep, nauesous, potentially aggresive/hostile, thirsty (but dont want to drink b/c it increases the nausea), agitated/restless, malnutritioned/hungry/I know I should eat and cant because everything sounds gross...

    I have been relieved. Thanks to Ortega Medical Marijuana from the Kind Room Clinic. It's about quality medicine. Grown naturally. Grown locally. By experienced growers. By people that understand that people need quality medicine.

    When I was typing those words above about being grateful for Denver Medical Marijuana it made me want to cry. Because this treatment has made me feel very distant from people. Sadly it has made me feel distance from being a person myself at times. The treatment for Hep C will rock your world.

    Fortunately there are people in the medical marijuana industry, like the people at The Kind Room that have reminded me that I am a person, by treating me like a person.
    This is not a joke.
    The crying etc. It's a very mentally, physically and psychologically challenging treatment and it doesnt make me a weak person.
    It's the drugs that alter the chemical make up in my body.
    In your body or anyone else.
    I share this information, the only way I know how, in an attempt to let people know about the brutal drugs used to treat this disease.
    And how Medical Marijuana can help you beat Hep C!
    There are people in the medical marijuana industry, like the people at The Kind Room that have reminded me that I am a person, by treating me like a person.
    This is not a joke.
    I share this information, the only way I know how, in an attempt to warn others.

    Go there. Seek out a clinic that provides consitently good medical grade marijuana and other THC products.
    They are consistently professional, but down to earth.

    Last time I was there, there was construction out front on Broadway and I didnt even know it.
    The atmosphere inside is soothing, relaxed, comforting...yet always serious about your medical marijuana as a medicine for your medical needs first and foremost.

    These posts are about my direct experience with Hep C treatment and THC!

    Wednesday, June 20, 2012

    Drugs Used toTreat Hep C - Ribavirin, Interferon, Telaprevir

    Combination Treatment Drugs for Hep C
    In this post I will show images and dosage info about the amazing drugs I have taken for Hep-C:

    Pegasys 180mcg/Ml (peginterferon alfa-2a) Injectable, Ribasphere RibaPak 1000 Dose Pack (ribavirin, USP) Tablets and Incivek (telaprevir) Tablets 750mg

    All cause severe side effects.
    Severe. You have no idea how bad it can be. You have no idea what these drugs will do to you. I want to warn you and your family. It is very difficult.

    I will also show images of the miracle drug I have used to treat the symptoms brought on by the disease Hepatitis C-
    Drug Used to Treat the Side Effects of Hep C

    High Quality Denver Medical Sativa & Indica Marijuana. 

    THC medicines have helped me manage the symptoms of Hepatitis C. Medical Marijuana has helped me manage the brutal mental, emotional and physical side effects of the combination treatment drugs used in an effort to cure Hepatitis C. It has helped me treat this life threatening, life altering disease that effects approximately 200 million people!  This treatment is brutal. I hope the information in this blog helps you and your family. Our family has suffered tremendously and we wish someone had told us how much medical marijuana can help. Contact The Kind Room and start educating yourself on quality medicine that will help you make it through your treatment.

    Drugs for Hep C shown individually-

    ~ Pegasys 180mcg/Ml (peginterferon alfa-2a) Injectable 1ml injected once a week. You have to use two needles.

    ~ Ribasphere RibaPak 1000 Dose Pack (ribavirin, USP) Tablets 600mg in the AM 400mg in the PM everyday for 6 months minimum - you can see I missed a dose recently. Dont worry about missing a dose, or two, or three. I missed, everything except the weekly shot and I dont have Hep anymore.

    ~ Incivek (telaprevir) Tablets 750mg - 2 pills 375mg each 3x per day. For 12 weeks. Must take with 20 grams of fat.
    This is the new drug in combination treatment therapy- it is BRUTAL.

    ~ Medical Marijuana used daily to treat the side effects of Hep C. Used daily for pain relief, stress relief, mood enhancement, as a sleep aid, appetite stimulant, dietary supplement and more. The side effects and symptoms I treat with Medical Marijuana are numerous and include anemia- a dangerous side effect of Hep C treatment. Relieve your pain naturally and reduce your risk of having more health problems.

    See a posted review about Blackberry Medical Marijuana

    Hepatitis C and especially the treatment have been brutal on my family and I-

    We cannot warn you enough. It is brutal.
    It has been very, very trying getting through this treatment. And I still have 3 weeks, minimum left.
    Please do not think you know what it will be like. Prepare for the worst.

    The good news-

      Combination treatment therapy drugs have eliminated Hepatitis C from my body.
      I have found relief for virtually every symptom by utilizing
      Denver High Quality Medical Marijuana to manage my pain.
    Need to talk to someone about relief from pain you have?
    Contact a professional, health focused clinic that provides quality, natural medicine. Phone- (720) 242-8030.

    * The drugs shown in this post known as combination treatment therapy should include high quality medical marijuana from the medical marijuana experts at Denvers Clinic The Kind Room. Natural, locally grown, quality medicine.

    Hepatitis C & Anemia- Ribavirin, Incivek, Interferon Side Effects

    Hepatitis C & Anemia- Ribavirin, Incivek, Interferon Side Effects-

    This post is about one of the most trying side effects of combination treatment therapy, anemia, and the best way to treat it.
    Anemia is a dangerous side effect that is caused by the drugs used to treat Hep C- Interferon (peginterferon alpha), Ribavirin (ribosphere) and Incivek (telaprevir).
    Image Provided by Wikipedia

    What is anemia?

    Anemia is when you do not have enough red blood cells in your body.
    Red blood cells provide oxygen to your body.
    When your body doesn’t get enough oxygen it is dangerous. Very dangerous.
    You may be lucky - and only have shortness of breathe and weakness.
    Or…you could have a heart attack. Seriously.
    You are at risk for a heart attack when you are under treatment to cure your Hepatitis C!
    Tut - Medical Marijuana

    Here's Help...

    Medical Marijuana increases my appetite and gives my body the nutrition it needs to be as strong as I can during my treatment.
    There are different types of medicinal marijuana that treat different symptoms.

    The University of Washington’s website says that recently researchers “have been able to get a better understanding of how marijuana alters appetite”. This is similar to evidence found in the 1970s. They also state that therapeutic uses of cannabanoids have been investigated and “marijuana has been successfully used to control wasting in patients”.
    See links at the bottom of page.

    If you are struggling to eat for any reason - your health is at risk.

    Please consider high quality medical marijuana in Denver. I would not settle for cut rate or cheap medicine. Your body is struggling enough. I mean your liver is compromised.
    I trust my care center to provide me with quality medicine. Don't wonder! The Kind Room is one of Denvers oldest providers offering locally, naturally grown, hand tended medicine.
    All of the Medicinal Marijuana at TKR is grown organically by knowledgable experienced medicinal marijuna growers. They are so kind.
    So is their bud. It is hand tended, watered and cared for.
    Talk to someone at the kind room about what ails you.
    You will be talking to someone that listens. That cares about providing you with the bomb weed you need.
    That’s why it’s called a Care Center, Denvers finest.

    I want to highlight The Kind Rooms organic, all natural medical marijuana Tut as a good medicine to increase appetite and deal with the wasting, exhausting and painful effects of anemia, brought on by Hep C treatment. See The Kind Rooms menu here.

    This Tut is considered a 70% Indica. So that leaves 30% Sativa.
    Quality Bud Toll Free: (888) 340-2997  to talk about Tut and other strains of Medicinal Marijuana including the products produced from them that can help you with the pain caused by Hep C and Hepatitis C treatment!!!
    You don’t have to waste away! You can eat. You can do it legally. Naturally.

    Helpful Links-

    The Kind Room – High Quality Medicine for sufferers of Hepatitis C Denver.

    University of Washington talks about marijuana increasing appetite.

    Wikipedia describes anemia.

    FDA Warns Vertex Pharmaceuticals (makers of Incivek, the newest drug in treatment for Hep-C) saying they are providing information that “is misleading because it overstates the efficacy, omits material facts and minimizes important risk information about the drug product”.

    If you are suffering from Hep-C, the treatment for Hep-C or if post treatment suffering is effecting you- post treatment whether you were succesful or not you could be doing your a body a favor by trying the benefits of THC. This natural, organic drug relieves such a wide range
    of symptoms...

    Without  Negative Side-Effects!!!

    Thats right treat a wide range of symptoms and side effects with one, natural drug. Readily available in an unprocessed form. Without side effects.
    It's a miracle drug. 

    Friday, June 15, 2012

    Hep C Patient Reviews Blackberry, Denver Medical Marijuana

    Hep C Patient Reviews Blackberry, Denver Medical Marijuana
    - Blackberry Medical Marijuana High Quality Indica-
    - Relieving Pain & Suffering for Hepatitis C Patients -

    Blackberry Medical Marijuana reviewed by Hepatitis C patient-
    3:56am June 12, 2012-

    30 minutes ago I awoke suffering from pain and discomfort.
    I chose some Blackberry to help me deal with the pain. Blackberry has wonderful medicinal properties for treating the pain suffered by Hep C patients. Like me. 

    Pain relief- relieves pain in muscles and joints without sedating.
    *Hep C and it's treatment both cause flu like symptoms. Daily. Medical Marijuana has helped me relieve these symptoms safely.

    Blackberry Indica relieves anxiety and restlessness. *Hepatitis C and the drugs used to treat it have caused me to have insomnia and anxiety.

    It helps with nausea. It helps increase appetite.
    *Nausea and struggling to eat lead to malnutrition which intensifies other side effects. The cure for appetite loss?
    Medical Marijuana. Stuggling to eat because of Hep C treatment?

    A happy medium- Blackberry helps improve my mood without crashing me.
    *I love this Medical Marijuana to enhance my mood. Lift me up but not like clean the whole house Sativa Durbin style. And the other side of the pendulium? Easy too. So I can stay awake and function. I use this medication as a happy medium.

    Because it's a happy medium...it's good for social occasions-

    I know youre 40 but Mom and Dad are coming over for dinner and you don’t want to eat the whole kitchen and go into a heavy sleep.
    But you don’t want to be bent over in pain either from Ribavirin-

    Try some Blackberry Medical Marijuana from The Kind Room...

    You will relieve your pain.
    You will be able to hold a conversation with your guests or play Candy Land with your kids.

    I have only experienced Blackberry smoked. It is a smooth, pleasant smoke.
    And, as I continue to re-iterate, yum.

    I mean talk about compassion. Talk about health care. Visit a quality compassionate health care provider like mine and feel the difference.

    Here you are suffering from a disease that presents you with every side effect pretty much imaginable...seriously.
    And to meet that pain for you...is nature giving you a perfectly designed drug that not only relieves many of the symptoms of Hep-C and the treatment for Hepatitis C, but that you actually enjoy taking! A drug contained inside the body of a beautiful, aromatic, visually stimulating, diverse female. Yes she is very attractive.

    Have more than moderate pain? Folks are gone? Need to eat and get some rest but you are in too much pain to sleep… but don’t have enough energy/appetite to eat?
    Try White Rhino from The Kind Room. This is my current top dog for raw medicating. If I had to have one medicine to treat all of my symptoms right now it would be the nice strong Indica White Rhino.

    Get your Medical Marijuana License Today! Relieve your pain and suffering from Hepatitis C and the treatment for Hep C with safe, legal and affordable Denver Medical Marijuana!

    Hepatitis C Patients - Denver Medical Marijuana Pain Relief

    Hepatitis C Patients - Denver Medical Marijuana Pain Relief
    This blog contains adult content about the disease Hepatitis C and my experience treating the horrible symptoms of this disease with Medical Marijuana.

    Hello I’m a 36yr. old husband and father.
    I suffer from the disease Hepatitis C.
    I also suffer from the treatment for Hepatitis C.

    The treatment for Hep C is brutal. 
    Not just on patients but our families as well.

    This blog will share information about my families experience with Hepatitis C. I want people that are starting Hepatitis C treatment to get a real idea of the extreme physical, emotional and spiritual challenges presented when undergoing treatment for Hep C.

    If you are already under treatment I’m sure you may be surprised at what is going on. But there are other human beings that understand.

    And there is relief from many of these symptoms.

    Please don’t suffer through this treatment. It changes your life.
    It challenges you physically, emotionally and spiritually.
    I had no idea what this treatment would be like until 3 hours after my first shot of
    Peginterferon alfa-2a, aka Pegasys. That was 5 months ago.

    Most people know the disease Hepatitis C attacks the liver.
    The word “Liver” literally means “Live”!
    You will die without your liver. Hep C wants to take your liver from you. Hep C wants to kill you. The treatment wants to kill you.

    In my case the treatment was the lesser of two evils. Despite all of the pain and suffering.

    I would still do it too. Because to be with my family I would go through hell.
    And I know they would do the same for me.

    Because that is exactly what the treatment for Hepatitis C can be described as- hell.

    People kind of warn you. But it doesn’t sink in until you and your family are suffering from the side effects.

    I wish someone had said to me-
    ”It’s far worse than you are imagining. This treatment is going to brutalize you in everyway you can imagine. You probably cannot get psyched up enough for what you are going to experience.”

    Well if you experience anything like what I have during your treatment at least you will have an honest heads up!
    There hasn’t been one Doctor or Pharmacist or anyone else for that matter that has come right out and said anything that really gave me an idea of what I was going to experience.

    But you need to know too…

    There is relief from the pain and suffering of Hep C.
    There is relief from the brutal side effects brought on by the treatment for Hepatitis C using the combination treatment drugs Ribovirin, Incivik and Interferon. 

    The relief is Medical Marijuana.

    Ask my wife.
    Ms. Conservative, Christian, Texan herself will tell you how much she supports it now that she has witnessed the medicinal properties of Medical Marijuana first hand.

    We know Medical Marijuana is a medicine that helps me deal with the pain and suffering caused by the killer disease Hepatitis C.

    You are interested in Medical Marijuana if you need a safe, healthy alternative to the options being provided for any of the following symptoms-

    Joint and muscle pain, Insomnia, Weight loss, Sadness, Anger, Aggression, Loss of appetite- you are required to eat 20g of fat everytime you take your Incivik.

    That’s 3x per day the medicine doesn’t work right otherwise…yet you have no appetite. At 3am you are severally dehydrated ie; your mouth is sandpaper and you need to eat 20gr of fat to choke down your medicine-

    Medical Marijuana will help you eat! I’m all the way down to 150lbs from 175lbs and have only maintained that because of the appetite Medical Marijuana gives me.

    Nutrition, loss of appetite and the association of these things with some of the other symptoms of this treatment like severe anger, aggression, depression, sadness, skin problems, rectal/pooping issues, anti-social behaviors, liver pain, itching, brain fog – you have no idea how badly you are going to struggle mentally during this treatment.

    Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals- all of the nutrients we need are stored away in foods. And if we don’t eat we don’t get nutrition. When you are suffering from mal-nutrition you don’t only suffer physically but mentally as well.

    Medical Marijuana can help you maintain the balance between body, mind and spirit by giving you the appetite to eat.

    If you or a loved one are suffering from Hepatitis C, the treatment from this disease or the sometimes permanent damage caused by this disease and it’s treatment I strongly encourage you to contact a trusted Medical Marijuana Doctor so you can get a prescription for medical marijuana. To purchase it or grow it. Or both.

    My gastrointestinal Doctor offered nothing for my family and I when presented with my weight loss and the fact that I literally will go through whole days with no food at all if I do not medicate with high grade Medical Marijuana.

    There are different delivery options available for the consumption of the drug to be consumed – THC. Hence the name of this blog Hep C and THC.

    What I’m saying is you don’t have to smoke Medical Marijuana.

    There are other "delivery" options. Including capsules, candy, vaporizers, foods, butter- call the Kind Room for ways to medicate without smoking.

    Be aware of traditional Doctors that will not offer a natural and safe alternative to pain and malnutrition. Beware of anyone that is too dense to understand that marijuana is not of the devil.

    Monday, June 4, 2012

    Hep C Treatment and Medical Marijuana

    Hepatitis C Treatment and Pain Management with Medical Marijuana-

    *** This blog contains mature content about Hepatitis C and how Medical Marijuana helps in the management, treatment and recovery of this disease. ***

    Do you have Hep C? Are you considering combination treatment therapy?

    The treatment for Hep C is very difficult!
    You have probably heard that many times. I did.
    And it is true.
    Prepare yourself for the worst. I implore you, as a fellow human being- do not underestimate the magnitude of this treatment. It is brutal.

    It has attacked our family in everyway- physically, mentally and emotionally.

    In my personal experience the symptoms and side effects of the disease itself are nowhere near as brutal as the side effects of the "treatment" for Hepatitis C.

    People warned me that this is not an easy treatment and I took it too lightly. Please prepare yourself and your loved ones for a time in your life when you will probably need a heavier, daily dose of patience, support and compassion for each other.

    The best thing for us has been the use of medical marijuana.
    I strongly encourage you to find a source like The Kind Room for consistent, quality marijuana if you are going to undergo treatment for Hep C.