Monday, June 25, 2012

How to Eat When You're on Hepatitis C Treatment

You will lose weight, waste away and be malnutritioned when taking Hep C treatment...

The side effects experienced when taking Interferon/Pesgasys, CO-Pegasys (Ribavirin) and Incivek (the new drug for treating Hep C) are absolutely brutal. And they are numerous.

Suffering with painful, life changing side effects, 24 hours a day, is to be expected with Hep C treatment.

The side effects of combination treatment therapy will include malnutrition and dehydration- which will aggravate all of the other side effects of the treatment…

Unless you…

It's 2am. severe nausea and pain from Hep C combination treatment drugs have awakened you again…

After a couple horrible- I mean horrible- waves of nausea have passed…
insomnia takes over and the other side effects caused by the combination treatment therapy drugs continue punishing you- severe heart burn, liver pain, joint pain, fever, chills, aching/hurting muscles, diarrhea that burns the hell out of your ass, your mouth is torn up with sores/blisters, your shins/elbows/knees are raw and bloody, you are feeling severely depressed, you are weak, you are suffering from feelings of worthlessness, you are malnutritioned, you have a chemical imabalance…all side effects of combination treatment therapy for Hep C... and all aggravated by the fact that you can’t…


And you need to take a dose of Incivek….maybe your pm…or am dose of Ribo too. Which means...

Which means you have to consume 20 grams of fat- like you do everytime with your Incivek…everytime. Which means you need to…


You can't even open your Incivek because of the way they packaged it...

you need a survival knife to open it...or just your normal everyday, before treatment fingers...

now you are crying…
Literally bawling...your mind starts trying to deteriorate your presence further by insisting you are weak...

why are you crying like this? What are you a whimp? Come on guy! It’s not that bad…and then you start crying uncontrollably…

What I have been describing in this post is a very literal example of what a typical night can be like when you are being treated for Hep C.

You deserve relief from your pain!
You need to enhance your mood!
You need relief from anemia!
You need to be able to drink fluids to hydrate and flush your body!
You need vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, sugars and fats!
You need to relax…
You need relief from the pain and suffering Hep C symptoms cause?
You need relief from the brutal side effects the treatment for Hep C causes?You need to…


Medical Marijuana- an all natural drug that treats all of the side effects described in this post.

Medical Marijuana treats the side effects of combination treatment therapy and the symptoms of  the disease Hepatitis C-
Buy only all natural, medicinal marijuana from a licensed Denver clinic.

Hand tended, high grade Denver medicinal marijuana- Kind Room Clinic

Good for me...
Good for my Hep C...
Good for the success of my Hep C treatment...

The medical marijuana at The Kind Room is always medicinal grade.
Comprised of professional, experienced marijuana experts this is a Denver Medical Marijuana Clinic focused on healthcare, on patient needs. Which is super kind bud.
Demand the best for your treatment. For your health.

The Kind Room  has the highest quality medical marijuana available anywhere in the world.
If you want high quality medicine that is always plentiful and is always consistent in it’s quality, if you want good information about high grade medicinal marijuana and which strains, brands and products will help you with your Hep C treatment  please…
Visit, call, email, browse The Kind Room for high quality medicinal marijuana that is healthcare focused-

1881 S. Broadway
Denver, Colorado 80210

Phone: 720-266-3136
Email The Kind Room-

There are a number of ways to utilize the medicinal properties of marijuana-
edibles, oils, lotions, tinctures, water pipes, medicinal hash, candies.
Ask your clinic about which options are best for your needs.

See high grade medicinal marijuana products.
You know what you need to do!
You need to make sure your body has proper nutrition. Diet is always very important. Espescially when fighting disease and powerful chemicals like those found in combination treatment therapy for Hep-C.

You need to …

Medical Marijuana can relieve you or your loved one of the pain associated with Hep C treatment.

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