Friday, June 15, 2012

Hepatitis C Patients - Denver Medical Marijuana Pain Relief

Hepatitis C Patients - Denver Medical Marijuana Pain Relief
This blog contains adult content about the disease Hepatitis C and my experience treating the horrible symptoms of this disease with Medical Marijuana.

Hello I’m a 36yr. old husband and father.
I suffer from the disease Hepatitis C.
I also suffer from the treatment for Hepatitis C.

The treatment for Hep C is brutal. 
Not just on patients but our families as well.

This blog will share information about my families experience with Hepatitis C. I want people that are starting Hepatitis C treatment to get a real idea of the extreme physical, emotional and spiritual challenges presented when undergoing treatment for Hep C.

If you are already under treatment I’m sure you may be surprised at what is going on. But there are other human beings that understand.

And there is relief from many of these symptoms.

Please don’t suffer through this treatment. It changes your life.
It challenges you physically, emotionally and spiritually.
I had no idea what this treatment would be like until 3 hours after my first shot of
Peginterferon alfa-2a, aka Pegasys. That was 5 months ago.

Most people know the disease Hepatitis C attacks the liver.
The word “Liver” literally means “Live”!
You will die without your liver. Hep C wants to take your liver from you. Hep C wants to kill you. The treatment wants to kill you.

In my case the treatment was the lesser of two evils. Despite all of the pain and suffering.

I would still do it too. Because to be with my family I would go through hell.
And I know they would do the same for me.

Because that is exactly what the treatment for Hepatitis C can be described as- hell.

People kind of warn you. But it doesn’t sink in until you and your family are suffering from the side effects.

I wish someone had said to me-
”It’s far worse than you are imagining. This treatment is going to brutalize you in everyway you can imagine. You probably cannot get psyched up enough for what you are going to experience.”

Well if you experience anything like what I have during your treatment at least you will have an honest heads up!
There hasn’t been one Doctor or Pharmacist or anyone else for that matter that has come right out and said anything that really gave me an idea of what I was going to experience.

But you need to know too…

There is relief from the pain and suffering of Hep C.
There is relief from the brutal side effects brought on by the treatment for Hepatitis C using the combination treatment drugs Ribovirin, Incivik and Interferon. 

The relief is Medical Marijuana.

Ask my wife.
Ms. Conservative, Christian, Texan herself will tell you how much she supports it now that she has witnessed the medicinal properties of Medical Marijuana first hand.

We know Medical Marijuana is a medicine that helps me deal with the pain and suffering caused by the killer disease Hepatitis C.

You are interested in Medical Marijuana if you need a safe, healthy alternative to the options being provided for any of the following symptoms-

Joint and muscle pain, Insomnia, Weight loss, Sadness, Anger, Aggression, Loss of appetite- you are required to eat 20g of fat everytime you take your Incivik.

That’s 3x per day the medicine doesn’t work right otherwise…yet you have no appetite. At 3am you are severally dehydrated ie; your mouth is sandpaper and you need to eat 20gr of fat to choke down your medicine-

Medical Marijuana will help you eat! I’m all the way down to 150lbs from 175lbs and have only maintained that because of the appetite Medical Marijuana gives me.

Nutrition, loss of appetite and the association of these things with some of the other symptoms of this treatment like severe anger, aggression, depression, sadness, skin problems, rectal/pooping issues, anti-social behaviors, liver pain, itching, brain fog – you have no idea how badly you are going to struggle mentally during this treatment.

Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals- all of the nutrients we need are stored away in foods. And if we don’t eat we don’t get nutrition. When you are suffering from mal-nutrition you don’t only suffer physically but mentally as well.

Medical Marijuana can help you maintain the balance between body, mind and spirit by giving you the appetite to eat.

If you or a loved one are suffering from Hepatitis C, the treatment from this disease or the sometimes permanent damage caused by this disease and it’s treatment I strongly encourage you to contact a trusted Medical Marijuana Doctor so you can get a prescription for medical marijuana. To purchase it or grow it. Or both.

My gastrointestinal Doctor offered nothing for my family and I when presented with my weight loss and the fact that I literally will go through whole days with no food at all if I do not medicate with high grade Medical Marijuana.

There are different delivery options available for the consumption of the drug to be consumed – THC. Hence the name of this blog Hep C and THC.

What I’m saying is you don’t have to smoke Medical Marijuana.

There are other "delivery" options. Including capsules, candy, vaporizers, foods, butter- call the Kind Room for ways to medicate without smoking.

Be aware of traditional Doctors that will not offer a natural and safe alternative to pain and malnutrition. Beware of anyone that is too dense to understand that marijuana is not of the devil.

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